Lisa, a young and ambitious lawyer, finds herself trapped in a small town after her car breaks down on a lonely road. With no way to contact help, she seeks refuge in a nearby house owned by a reclusive writer, Henry. As Lisa tries to figure out a way to fix her car, she stumbles upon a mysterious diary hidden in Henry's study. The diary reveals a dark secret about the town's history, involving a hidden treasure and a curse that has plagued its residents for generations. Determined to solve the mystery and free the townspeople from their torment, Lisa and Henry embark on a dangerous adventure, facing supernatural forces and uncovering shocking truths along the way. Will they be able to break the curse and save the town before it's too late? 自上映之后我的可爱要过期了!?这部热播电视剧凭借其引人入胜的剧情和演员的精湛演技,受到众多观众追捧,一时间成了影迷圈常提及的话题。